Elevate your online business with Odoo x E-commerce

The emergence of E-commerce has transformed business operations and how consumers participate in commercial activities. From obtaining daily essentials like medications, milk, and groceries to acquiring electronics and clothing, individuals can now conveniently have nearly anything delivered to their doorstep, complete with user-friendly return policies. Elevate your online business with Odoo E-commerce this 2024 to attain business growth!

This marked digital transformation goes for businesses of all sizes, at all stages, and in all areas, including B2B, B2C, and DTC. For all that was always said about the prominence of eCommerce earlier, it used to be one tiny fraction of the total retail revenue. All this changed with Covid-19. Data on shopping behavior in the US shows that consumers shifted to e-commerce channels by nearly 30 percent, increasing the sector’s growth.

The eCommerce market is growing steeply, with the global retail eCommerce sales projected to grow by about 85%, from USD 3.53 trillion in 2019 to as high as USD 6.54 trillion in 2022. retail ecommerce sales

Similarly, one of the ERP platforms has emerged since 2020 i.e., Odoo. The platform was established in 2002 but the mind-blowing E-commerce features and improvements in recent years made it stand out of the box. After reading this article, you’ll know why Odoo is considered one of the best eCommerce platforms. And with our expert insights, you’ll have all you need to make the right choice of Ecommerce platform for your business, regardless of stage, from start-up to scale-up.

Integrated Platform:

Odoo Ecommerce operates as an integral component within the comprehensive Odoo ERP system. This integration is a pivotal strength, as it fosters a seamless synergy with various other business modules. For instance, the platform effortlessly integrates with 

  • Inventory management, ensuring that product availability and stock levels are accurately reflected in the online store. 
  • Sales modules enables smooth order processing, 
  • Finance modules ensure that financial transactions are seamlessly recorded and managed.
Highly Customizable:

Odoo E-commerce distinguishes itself with powerful customization features, enabling businesses to align their online stores with unique branding and functional requirements. Take your online business to new heights with Odoo E-commerce.

  • This flexibility extends from visual elements like design and color schemes
  • Drag & drop building blocks with business features.
  • Website content is automatically adapted to mobile devices

Odoo Ecommerce’s customization empowers businesses to differentiate themselves in the competitive online marketplace, providing a personalized and visually appealing experience for customers.

All in one Solution:

Odoo Ecommerce stands out as a budget-friendly choice for businesses aiming to establish and manage a strong online presence. Its integrated platform consolidates essentially all in one e-commerce functions, 

  • Including Customer Portal where visitors get instant access to their documents, such as support tickets, invoices, projects, tasks, etc.
  • Real-time Dashboard to Track your visitors in real-time and connect to the most interesting ones in a single click: push notification, live chat, SMS, etc.
  • Wishlist where shoppers can add products to a wishlist. Returning customers will use it to buy their favorite items faster.
  • Easy Checkout Feature where the checkout process is straightforward. Add extra custom steps if needed.
  • Categories and Filter where customers can find the item they’re looking for based on your criteria.

The platform’s scalability accommodates business growth without significant additional expenses, and its ready-made features decrease the requirement for extensive custom development, saving on coding and maintenance costs. The user-friendly interface lowers training costs, and automation features optimize resource utilization.

Comprehensive Feature Set:

The software’s feature set includes:

  • Product Variants: Display inventory levels and variants with global search.
  • Product Comparison: Enable customers to compare products or variants.
  • B2B Selling: Facilitate online sales for both B2C and B2B vendors.
  • Alternative & Optional Products: Configure display of alternative or optional products.
  • Flexible Search Bar: Enhance customer interface with a user-friendly search bar.
  • Multiple Stores: Support multi-company and multi-store functionality.
  • Digital Product Sales: Sell not only physical but also digital products.
  • Subscription Services: Enable subscription-based selling like Hotstar & Netflix.
  • Lead Generation: Utilize an inbuilt user tracking system for future leads.
  • Drop-shipping: Directly deliver products from vendor to customer for cost and time savings.
  • Localization Tax: Configure accounting for selected localization in both backend and E-commerce invoices.
  • Import/Export: Easily manage products with XLS and CSV format files.
  • Payment Integration: Seamlessly integrate with various online payment platforms using available APIs.

One of the key strengths of Odoo Ecommerce lies in its scalability, offering businesses the flexibility to expand and grow their online presence seamlessly.

  • No Need for Platform Switching: Unlike some e-commerce solutions that may require a transition to a new platform as business scales up, Odoo Ecommerce eliminates the need for such disruptive changes. This continuity is valuable for businesses, as they can continue to build upon their existing setup, leveraging the familiarity of the Odoo Ecommerce platform without the complexities of migrating to a different system.
  • Continuous Support: Odoo’s commitment to providing updates and support ensures that the platform remains technologically current. Businesses can confidently rely on Odoo Ecommerce for ongoing development, security patches, and feature enhancements, supporting their growth journey without concerns about technological obsolescence.

Odoo Ecommerce’s scalability enables businesses to navigate growth seamlessly. Whether it’s handling increased traffic, expanding product offerings, or entering new markets, the platform offers a flexible and sustainable solution that aligns with the dynamic nature of online business. This scalability ensures that businesses can focus on their growth strategies without the hindrance of platform constraints.

Community and Support:

Being part of the larger Odoo community, users have access to a supportive network, regular updates, and a wealth of resources to help with any challenges they may encounter.

Responsive Design:

Odoo Ecommerce stands out for its commitment to providing a responsive design, a crucial aspect that ensures a harmonious and consistent user experience across a diverse range of devices and screen sizes.

  • Adaptability to Devices: The responsive design of Odoo Ecommerce allows the online store to adapt dynamically to different devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This adaptability ensures that customers enjoy a user-friendly experience regardless of the device they use to access the platform.
  • SEO Benefits: Responsive design contributes to better search engine optimization (SEO) performance. Search engines, like Google, favor mobile-friendly websites, and having a responsive design positively impacts search rankings. This ensures that the online store remains visible and accessible to a broader audience.
  • Reduced Development Effort: The responsive design approach simplifies development efforts, compared to maintaining separate versions for different devices. This not only streamlines the development process but also reduces the maintenance overhead, making it more efficient for businesses to manage their online presence.

The responsive design of Odoo Ecommerce is a strategic feature that goes beyond accommodating different devices; it enhances the overall user experience, supports SEO efforts, simplifies development, and contributes to the long-term viability of the online store in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Analytics and Reporting:

Odoo Ecommerce stands out for its robust analytics and reporting tools that empower businesses to extract valuable insights from online operations. From comprehensive data analysis, real-time performance monitoring, and understanding customer behavior to product performance analysis, conversion funnel analysis, and customizable reports, the platform offers a holistic suite of features. This allows businesses to shift towards data-driven decision-making, promptly respond to market dynamics, and refine strategic planning for enhanced efficiency and adaptability in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Location: Cyprus

Industry: E-commerce

Technology: Odoo, Python

Services: Odoo customization & development, Online E-commerce store, Training & Support

Client Challenges:
  • Difficulty for customers in finding products due to missing features like recent view, stock quantity, and product history.
  • Incomplete product descriptions lacking key details such as warranties and labels.
  • Public users having access to wholesale prices, leading to unfair competition.
  • Lack of flexibility and scalability in the existing platform for future growth.
Our Proposed Solution:
  • Product Recent View: Facilitated easy access to recently viewed products, expediting purchase decisions.
  • Stock Quantity: Real-time inventory updates ensure transparency and prevent out-of-stock orders.
  • Last 5 Product’s History: Enabled customers to quickly review past purchases and reorder frequently used items.
  • Warranty Check: Integrated warranty information instilled confidence and simplified warranty claims.
  • Product Labels: Customized labels organized products, enhancing user experience.
  • Public User Price Hide: Concealed wholesale prices from public users, ensuring fair competition and profit margins. Product Recent View: Facilitated easy access to recently viewed products, expediting purchase decisions.
  • Stock Quantity: Real-time inventory updates ensure transparency and prevent out-of-stock orders.
  • Last 5 Product’s History: Enabled customers to quickly review past purchases and reorder frequently used items.
  • Warranty Check: Integrated warranty information instilled confidence and simplified warranty claims.
  • Product Labels: Customized labels organized products, enhancing user experience.
  • Public User Price Hide: Concealed wholesale prices from public users, ensuring fair competition and profit margins.
Business Impact:
  • The implementation of Odoo yielded significant positive outcomes for the hardware store’s online business:
  • Increased Sales: Improved product navigation and enhanced information resulted in a 20% boost in online sales.
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Transparency about stock levels and warranties led to a 15% decrease in customer complaints.
  • Improved User Experience: Features like recent view and product history enhanced the online store’s user-friendliness and efficiency.
  • Increased Operational Efficiency: Odoo’s centralized platform streamlined inventory management and order processing.
  • Cost Reduction: Open-source licensing and efficient operations enabled the hardware store to reduce IT costs.

Nevertheless, Odoo stands out as a premier choice for industry-leading E-commerce giants. Its user-friendly and versatile features eliminate the need for extensive training, making it a hassle-free platform. From product listings and SEO analysis to managing shipping and payments, Odoo offers an all-in-one solution. At Jupical.io, our skilled team is dedicated to ensuring users maximize the platform’s potential through effective and robust implementation. For further details, reach out to us at hello@jupical.com.