Struggling with Challenges in the Hotel Industry? Find Your Answers Here

The travel and hotel sector is quite profitable. The industry has seen a sharp increase in business over time.We have also written a blog where you can see how ERP helps the industry in touch with our practical implementation in Botswana. There are challenges in the Hotel Industry and ERP has come to rescue.

With the benefits, operating hotel businesses gets a little harder due to unavoidable problems in the lodging industry.Therefore, you’ve come to the perfect place if you’re frustrated and genuinely curious about how to get beyond these obstacles in the hotel industry.

This article discusses all of the typical problems that the hotel business faces as well as potential fixes.

#Problem: Struggling with delivering fantastic Hotel service expected by your customers?

Although hotel owners took care of their guests in a typical manner—providing breakfasts, on-time services, and room cleaning—they saw that only a small percentage of their visitors returned. In order for their guests to return, they needed to take some action to draw them in. Winning customer loyalty plays a very important role.

#Solution: (TRY ERP)

Here’s how you can take advantage:

They considered personalising the procedure after doing some study. They would make their rooms more unique by asking for their preferences as part of the feedback process, or they would serve them a personalised breakfast with their initials on the plates.

They also considered adopting the ERP solution to make their business more efficient and increase digital experiences.  Businesses may maximise visitor satisfaction and encourage repeat business and loyalty by integrating hotel management systems with extensive guest data.  They can:

  1. Monitoring Guest Preferences and Past Purchases

When it comes to gathering guest information, such as guest choices, their previous visits, and transaction history, ERP systems are essential. With the use of these insights from the ERP system, the hotel staff can  better understand the wants and desires of their guests, creating individual experiences that meet their needs. This not only improves the visitor experience but also creates potential for referrals and long-term partnerships.

2. Delivering Customised Offers and Improvements

With appropriate guest data, hospitality experts may craft customised promotions and offerings that resonate with their clientele. 

For example, a hotel management system can determine whether a visitor has specific preferences for a kind of room or has made unique requests in the past. Hoteliers can then use this information to suggest suitable improvements and additions based on the tastes of their visitors, or they can even use it to surprise them. These kind deeds establish a reputation for providing outstanding service and pave the way for enduring client loyalty.

In general, hospitality firms may provide precise and impact personalised guest experiences by leveraging data from hotel ERP systems. Hotels and resorts can create personalised promotions and services by utilising guest insights.

#Problem: Having issues with your hotel reservation management system, or HRM

Despite being the most popular vacation destination in the nation, you find yourself alone with 35 nearly empty rooms in your hotel throughout the summer months.

You are unable to determine which of your rooms are occupied or empty due to inadequate reservation administration, and your record keeper is too indolent to respond to a simple inquiry. Most significantly, you are missing the online booking digital website accessible from anywhere in the world.

#Solution: (As promised, answer TRY ERP!)

Modernising the reservation management systems requires a hotel ERP system. Management may optimise income and resource allocation by using real-time data and technologies specific to the hotel sector. Predicting future occupancy trends and minimising overbooking errors are two major advantages of ERP systems.

Reservation administration is greatly improved by ERP systems. Real-time room availability data may be synchronised across many booking systems with easy connectors, enabling consumers from anywhere in the world to eventually book rooms. Alternatively, you can build your own website for the same purpose.

By offering a single record system to improve booking accuracy and performance, these solutions lessen the chance of overbooking and ultimately improve the customer experience.

#Problem: Having issues dealing with multi-company, But couldn’t handle all ?

There are numerous hotel branches for The Lemon Tree by Hilton, indicating that it is a chain of hotels. Since there is only one owner, it is challenging for him to ask each chain manager to view profitability, obtain real-time analytics, and monitor operations when we want to examine the data of all the chains.


Both managing and maintaining constant observation over every branch’s operations are unachievable. Thus, using an ERP system can assist companies in monitoring activities and providing a bird’s eye view of various locations.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Eagle’s Eye View Across Multiple Locations

Managers can have understanding of their hospitality business’s operations, especially when it comes to several locations, by employing an advanced ERP system. This view guarantees that managers using hospitality sector software can keep an eye on key performance metrics, efficiently allocate resources, and pinpoint areas where their businesses need to improve. For multi-site hotels and resorts, the comprehensive perspective offered by ERP systems is essential since it simplifies decision-making procedures by providing centralised access to critical data.

2. Simplifying Room Service, Repairs, and Housekeeping

Using an ERP system to automate and centralize maintenance, room service, and housekeeping processes is crucial to providing customers with excellent, seamless services. 

With a bird’s-eye view of key tasks, managers can monitor employee development, wisely distribute resources, and avoid service bottlenecks. Through the implementation of Jupical’s Hotel management ERP systems, these tasks can be integrated, enabling hospitality organisations to maximise service levels and make a complete commitment to client happiness.

  • By automating room service, maintenance, and cleaning processes, you may increase overall productivity and decrease manual labor.
  • Improve departmental communication to avoid confusion and delays in service.
  • Keep an eye on employee performance and offer focused training to close skill gaps in service delivery.

#Problem: Having an issue of not knowing what your employees do and want to keep an eye on it?

You are a hotel owner with more than 200 employees in total. Some work at the front desk, while others are in the back office. In order to guarantee that clients receive excellent service and are never left waiting, there must be communication between the front desk and back office staff. For smoother operations, it is the front desk personnel’s duty to assist back staff members who are on leave.

However, how will they know about it?

#Solution: Digitization in system

Yes, the hotel has to adopt a system where data of all the employees are stored and there is a visibility for everyone. Here’s what can be done:

In the hotel industry, enterprise resource planning (ERP) is essential to the smooth operation of the front and back offices. The implementation of these comprehensive systems guarantees the unification and simplification of multiple facets of managing a hospitality enterprise, ranging from financial accounting to front desk operations. 

The utilization of hospitality ERP software creates a smooth and effective management path for enhancing both internal workflows and visitor experiences by combining these fundamental operations into a common hotel management system.

The primary advantages of front office and back office operations integration in the hotel industry are listed in the following table, along with an explanation of how these advantages lead to a more efficient and successful business:

Struggling with Challenges in the Hotel Industry

#Problem: Having loopholes in your finances ?

Hotel’s financial managers have to maintain the finances of the entire hotel in a very delicate way where the senior management can have a check anytime they want. There can be human errors while billing or adding extra expenses of any room can be a loss for the hotel.

By adopting an ERP solution for hotelscan help them managing their finance in particular way where there is no chance of errors and everyone is kept well informed.A real-time data is provided, here’s what can be done:

Businesses can benefit from a seamless financial management experience with a complete hotel management system in place, which eventually helps with better decision-making and overall success.

  1. Integrated Financial Procedures Throughout Units

Utilizing hospitality ERP software allows businesses to streamline financial procedures across several business units, which is one of its main benefits. Financial information from multiple departments is combined into a single system, which streamlines processes and allows for a more accurate picture of the business’s finances. As a result, the financial management process becomes more effective and seamless, which is crucial for the expansion and success of businesses.

2. Access to Real-Time Financial Data and Simplified Reporting

Effective decision-making in the dynamic hospitality sector requires access to real-time financial data. This useful feature—up-to-date information at the touch of a button—is provided by ERP systems. These systems not only provide information about a company’s present financial situation, but they also simplify reporting procedures, which makes it simpler for managers to examine, comprehend, and act upon the available financial data.

#Problem: Struggling to improve guest service?

A guest is staying at your hotel, and he is facing issues with room keeping services. Being manager, you knew the staff was absent instead other staff members forgot to show up and the customer was frustrated. How will you satisfy a customer like this? All they need is a little thing to pin-point and they will have rage in themselves of not visiting you or not recommending anyone. Top of all they will hate your customer support service!


Customer Support and Satisfaction is very important in the hotel industry, if the customer is not satisfied with support, you will have to prove it in one or the other service by giving them discounts or coupons. 

Here’s what you can do:

In the very competitive hospitality sector, to keep attracting customers depends on providing outstanding customer service. By streamlining  operations and data management, a strong ERP may significantly improve customer service standards in the hospitality sector, which in turn will increase guest happiness and loyalty.

The capacity of hospitality ERP software to centralize customer contact note-taking and management is one of its primary advantages. Service staff may easily access pertinent information to personalize and customize guest experiences by compiling guest preferences, special requests, and interaction histories. Guests respond well to this level of meticulous attention to detail, which increases their pleasure and chance of returning.


How can hotels manage sales and service quality with ERP?
The hospitality sector benefits greatly from enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, particularly in terms of sales and service quality. In the end, these all-inclusive systems contribute to the success of hotels by improving visitor happiness and loyalty in addition to streamlining management procedures.
  1. Increasing Conversions by Automating Sales Processes

Businesses in the hospitality sector can see significant improvements in their sales operations by putting in place a hotel ERP system. ERP systems enable real-time room, fee, and service availability and preserve comprehensive guest data. As a result, production rises and operational time cycles are decreased. Additionally, hospitality managers may make educated decisions based on precise and easily accessible data thanks to ERP for hotels and resorts.

2. Enhancing Customer Satisfaction and Service Provision

The use of ERP systems is essential for improving service delivery, which in turn raises visitor satisfaction. Hotel  management systems’ well-organized business modules streamline management procedures, enabling hotel managers to deliver superior customer service. Visitors benefit from a more efficient and customized experience as a result, encouraging loyalty and long-term retention.

Here are some of the must haves features for hotel industry

Struggling with Challenges in the Hotel Industry

An all-inclusive solution for managing several facets of hospitality enterprises, such resorts and hotels, is a hotel ERP system. The key components of an ERP for hotels and resorts offer strong functionalities that optimise operations and enhance visitor experiences, contributing significantly to the advancement of technology in the hospitality sector. We’ll go over some of the most important aspects of hospitality ERP software in this part.

Task Delegation:

An ERP system has the ability to assign tasks to employees in order to keep an eye on things and ensure productivity. This entails overseeing several departments like room service, maintenance, and housekeeping. Hospitality managers are better equipped to manage many duties and guarantee timely service delivery by decreasing human error and automating updates and alerts.

Reservation Management:

By providing a single record system to increase booking accuracy and performance, hotel ERP systems significantly improve reservation management. By synchronising real-time room availability data across several booking platforms, these solutions reduce the possibility of overbooking and ultimately enhance the client experience.

Front Office Integration:

The smooth integration of front office operations, such as client contacts, reservations, invoicing, and activity schedules, is a crucial component of a hospitality ERP system. Through improved departmental communication made possible by this integration, service delivery timeliness and guest satisfaction would eventually increase.

Back Office Integration:

Hotel ERP solutions incorporate these essential back office operations to efficiently handle and track financial data, inventory management, procurement, and human resources. This connection guarantees efficient and streamlined operations, increasing productivity and lowering operating costs.

Reporting and Analysis:

The capacity to produce personalised reports and provide comprehensive analysis is a crucial feature of any hospitality ERP system. This feature helps managers make strategic decisions by giving them important insights into different business elements.

  • Management of Revenue
  • Analysis of Occupancy
  • Bench-marking Performance and Financial Reporting
  • Feedback and Preferences of Guests

A hotel ERP system that has these essential components can drastically change how hotels and resorts run their day-to-day operations. It increases decision-making skills, reduces mistakes, maximises resource utilisation, and eventually raises overall service standards and guest happiness.

Jupical’s Hotel Management ERP can help you solve all your business problems within just one system by configuring it as per your needs. You just need an exact understanding of your issues and click here to schedule a call! Don’t worry,  schedule a consultation now, It’s FREE