Importance of Scrum Management in Organizations and Business

Scrum is a widely used project management framework, providing organizations with an effective approach to handling complex work by dividing it into more manageable tasks. To take leverage of Scrum, one must adopt it taking into account their organizational culture and needs. This blog helps the organization to adapt Scrum, it’s working, how to implement it, advantages and disadvantages of the same to fostering continuous improvement and enhancing work productivity. One must use scrum management to adhere to their needs only so that they can work on fostering collaboration, helps in quick adaptability, enhance customer satisfaction, expedite project delivery, and sharpen the product quality.

The scrum methodology for the project management is advanced and widely adopted as it helps the management to do complex tasks in an easy manner. Software teams prefer Agile methodology most of the time and 81% of the time, they choose scrum across multiple techniques. The teams who have been adopting scrum methodology techniques have experienced a 250% increase in quality output. Scrum Alliance was internationally recognized in 2023 and certified by over a million experts, then it became the leading choice among other Agile Frameworks.

How does Scrum work?

So why is it called Scrum? Are there any acronyms of Scrum? The answer is no. The was inspired by the sports team of rugby where a team comes together and works together to move the ball forward.

In this context, scrum is how a team comes together to move the product forward. The term was co-created by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland.

There are some of the important Scrum Roles that an effective scrum team needs to succeed to achieve their goals.

Product Owner: The foremost job is of the product owner who makes sure that the development team provides the most value to the business. They work on prioritizing the consumer’s needs. A good product owner:

  • Helps provide clear direction about the features to work on next.
  • Acts as a medium between the business owner and team.
  • Look in when and how often the product releases should take place.

Scrum Leader: The scrum leader advocates for the scrum to their teams. He is the one responsible for the efficiency of the team. The leader guides and coaches the teams, product owner, and the business to increase the use of scrum processes and streamline the product delivery. Along With this, the scrum leader is responsible for:

  • Planning the resources for each sprint
  • Conduct sprint events and team meetings
  • Leading the team’s digital transformation
  • Providing team with training support for adoption of new technologies
  • Engage with other groups to address challenges that the team maybe facing collectively

Scrum Development Team: The development team has testers, designers, UX specialists, Ops engineers and developers with various skills. They engage in cross-training to prevent any individual from being the bottleneck in the workflow.

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, suggested the two-pizza rule, which means that the scrum development teams are kept small enough to be fed by 2 pizzas. The teams will:

  • Ensure successful completion of sprint
  • Advocate sustainable development practices
  • Enforces “we”attitude across all
  • Becomes a leader in planning and estimating the amount of work they discuss for each sprint.

A Guide to Successful Implementation of Scrum Management:

Step – 1 Make an Effective Scrum Team:

A scrum team consists of 5 to 9 members with varying levels of skills that can include developers, testers, designers and business analysts. The team in itself requires collaborative framework and shared ownership to achieve the goal.

Step -2  Discuss Sprint Length:

I often quote Ken Schwaber, the co-creator of Scrum, who says, “A Sprint should be as short as possible and no shorter.”

The sprint can be as short as one week to as long as one month. Sprint helps in maintaining the consistency of project planning,and helps you determine pace of development activity.In the beginning of each sprint session, a planning is done to define the amount of work set within a timeframe.

Step -3 Appoint Experienced Scrum Master:

The role of scrum master is similar to that of project manager; but it has a specific purpose. By omitting the barriers that come in the way and improving the efficiency of the team is the main job role of the scrum master. The master should prevent micromanagement, and foster the autonomy of the team.

Step-4 Choose the Product Owner:

The product owner should see that the team works towards the same goal. The product owner should take customer feedback and help the team to move in the correct direction. There is a to-do-list (product backlog) which is to be kept organized by the product owner and he guides the team on what to focus on. The main aim is to help the team to create valuable resources for the company.

Step-5  Sprint Planning and Inception:

When the product backlog is made, the team sits and starts its sprints by choosing the tasks as per the priority. During this planning, the team discusses and determines the amount of work to be done that sprint particularly. The team makes sure that the chosen tasks will be realistic and will be done with support from the scrum master in a decided timeframe.

Step-6  Improvement and Implementation:

The last and the most important step is when the sprint finishes with a review and people gather and talk about what went well and what could have been done better. The team sits together and shares their experiences and complexity they faced while completing the tasks. The process of scrum is always on-going, encouraging culture of the workplace by being flexible and always improving.

Don't Make These Scrum Mistakes!

For adopting the scrum management, one must be aware of these typical errors that may be the hindrance:

  1. If the whole team isn’t on board and committed, the scrum may not go smoothly as per the pre-described timeframe. 
  2. One must fully understand the things discussed in the sprints, so that implementation can be done effectively.
  3. Project managers should trust their team and avoid micro-management, it takes away creativity and ownership.
  4. The team should act on feedback received from the peers and customers and should keep improving continuously.

Thus, starting upon the scrum implementation for organization can enhance your project delivery results. Organizations must define goals, encourage teamwork, promote transparency to unlock the team’s success for consistent value delivery. adopts the Scrum Management technique to continuously improve the project deliveries and understanding the client centric approach. Scrum management has proven to be important while carrying out any software development processes for our clients. With the success stories across the globe , we have been able to accomplish that with the help of the scrum methodology carried out by team members.