Advancing College Management ERP: What You Need to Know

College management is no different from education management ERP. However, other modules are important in this context, in addition to automating attendance and exam scheduling. There are certain unique modules that colleges and large universities can use to make their procedures more efficient.

Jupical can assist you in implementing the modules listed below to streamline the process and help the organization accomplish its objectives.

Library management:

Library management is a toxic job as it includes a lot of operative tasks. ERP software helps the library operations to be more efficient. It helps in rapid book issues, creating book categories, and finding book statuses.

ERP helps in generating faster reports to maintain track of all the books that have been published or are in stock or are to be disposed.It also automatically fines book holders for late depositing the same by condition keep feature. We can custom access rules via the student portal that can help simplify eBook management and delivery.

Here are some features of Library Management Module:

Bar-code Support

Barcode support in library administration allows for more effective tracking and management of library resources. Each book or object is given a unique barcode that manages the tasks. It makes it easier to check in and out, manage inventory, and find items in the library. Barcode scanners are used to swiftly identify library materials while reducing human error. It saves time for both students, and librarians.

E-book Management

As digital resources become more widespread, an ERP system for library management should be designed with the ability to manage e-books and other associated digital materials. E-books are a new area that is becoming popular among younger generations.

Libraries should have mechanisms in place to incorporate e-books, provide user-specific access controls, measure usage statistics, and integrate with digital lending platforms.

Students can access e-books via the college or university library’s online portal or application.They may capitalise on this by extending access beyond physical library sites.

Late Fee Management

Late fee management is an important component of library operations, as it is how the library functions. The most crucial step is to return borrowed materials on time while still generating cash for the library.

An ERP system automates late fee calculations using predetermined rules such as daily, weekly, or monthly fines. The technology delivers automatic warnings to students about overdue books and creates reports to track fines and collections. This late fee management feature integrated with the library’s invoicing and accounting system facilitates accurate financial tracking and reconciliation.

Library ECards

E-cards for libraries can also be referred to as Membership cards or digital cards. These cards allow the students to easily access services and resources. An ERP system makes it easier to issue and manage e-cards which allows the students to register online and get cards easily.

E-cards can be used to borrow physical and digital documents, access online resources like digital books, reserve it or change profile settings. It makes sure that e-card information is securely stored within the database and accessible by multiple branches.

Library Management with ERP encompasses a comprehensive set of features including barcode support for efficient resource tracking, e-book management for digital resources, late fee management for revenue generation, and library e-cards for convenient patron access. An ERP system tailored to library needs improves operational efficiency, enhances user experience, and ensures effective management of library resources.

Grievance Management Portals

Jupical’s Grievance Management Portal provides a streamlined platform for students, parents, and staff to express their issues swiftly. It is a user-friendly dashboard for reporting issues raised by anyone at the university.

It enables an excellent ticket management function to automatically assign tickets to the appropriate workers and handle them on time. Everyone should be heard, and there should be a culture of honesty among students, professors, and parents.

Transport and Fleet Module

Address the issues of transportation and fleet management with simplicity. Here’s how:

  • Create routes, establish stops, and set rates for each stop. 
  • A student’s fee is automatically adjusted when a pick-up stop is added. 
  • Easily manage your fleet of vehicles by allocating drivers and vehicles to certain routes.
  • The ability to track the real-time location of each vehicle on the map, keep a history of all stops made, and warn school administrators of over-speeding or deviations from the authorized route is an important element of the school management ERP module. 
  • The parent portal allows parents to track the real-time status of the vehicles, but only for their child’s route and for a limited time before the drop.

Referral Marketing Management System

This college ERP module helps schools connect with a large number of qualified college candidates at a low cost. Students generally band together with friends and family to get admission places. As a result, this referral programme transforms students into brand ambassadors and recruiters. With this referral marketing tool, the school administration can request that current students recommend qualified prospects, friends, and relatives for admission slots. This programme provides the following benefits to the university:

  • Ability to reward students for introducing qualified prospects.
  • Increased student admissions.
  • Cost effective; Free branding.
  • Time-saving
  • Effective communication can create and send alerts to consistent referrers.
  • Student platform where students can use this online platform to refer candidates.

Visitor Data Management

Institutions prioritize security and accountability, keeping track of who enters the school compound and buildings, as well as their reason for visiting. To execute their duty, security professionals must be equipped with the appropriate visitor management software to ensure the safety of staff, workers, and students. This university ERP module assists institutions in managing security issues on and around campus. It offers the following features and benefits:

  • Accurate recording of those entering and exiting the college grounds. The system stores up-to-date visitor information for easy access during an evacuation.
  • Improved guest management; reduces long waits at reception during peak hours.
  • ID card administration; Assign and distribute temporary visitor passes.
  • Time-saving; Enjoy easy guest management while maintaining high security attentiveness.
  • Reliable; This module is cloud-based, allowing the college to gather and keep visitor information indefinitely.

Enquiry data management

This institution administration software enables colleges and universities to respond quickly and appropriately to student and parent queries and concerns. This system is a service-oriented module that is critical to gaining and maintaining more admissions. The recommended enquiry management system assists institutions in tracking, managing, and responding to inquiries received via phone, email, and walk-ins. Benefits include:

  • Efficient parent and student query management
  • Enquiry tracking from inception to completion
  • Maintaining a record of communication details
  • Management of follow-up and escalation
  • Telephone, email, and online help
  • Alerts for enquiries
  • Secure data and information management

In-house canteen management

This module is meant to handle the many facets of food and beverage management. It maintains all goods in the canteen and keeps track of food supplies for college.

Because of complete automation and task reduction, manpower can be reduced by up to 50% compared to what was previously employed manually. It reduces the expense of investing in manpower.

This module manages:-

  • There is a provision for sending a canteen item purchase requisition.
  • Menu-based diet entry utility, together with pricing.
  • Menus can be scheduled for various intervals and days.
  • Diet requisitions originate from reception and might be supplied accordingly.
  • Diet input from customers can be fed into the system.

Jupical provides comprehensive ERP solutions for streamlining your organization’s duties and projects. Our experts customise modules to meet your specific requirements, creating a centralised system that improves productivity and collaboration. With our integrated platform, you’ll benefit from increased productivity, scalability, and expert assistance during the deployment process and beyond. Allow us to empower your organisation with a customised solution that promotes success.