ERP for Pharmaceutical Industry

In 2024, the pharmaceuticals market is expected to generate US$1,156.00 billion in revenue.In the future, this industry’s revenue is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.19%, reaching a market size ofUS$1,470.00 billion by 2028.

While many industries have experienced phenomenal development as a result of technological advancements, the pharmaceutical sector has experienced growth that is unmatched despite the numerous challenges that have arisen since the pandemic. The pharmaceutical sector has made progress in developing more environmentally friendly production techniques. Like other industrial sectors, the pharmaceutical industry has greatly advanced its processes as a result of technological advancement.

Pharma Business Types

The pharmaceutical industry encompasses more than just prescription drugs and medical supplies. It also includes surgical supplies and other items. The industry also expands into a number of other areas, including marketing, retail sales, and pharmaceutical distribution.

The following table lists additional tributaries to which the industry reaches out.

ERP for Pharmaceutical Industry - Benefits and Challenges

Why Is ERP Necessary for Pharma Manufacturing Businesses?

An ERP can improve pharma manufacturing enterprises’ overall performance and production on several levels, as was covered in the preceding section. With ERP software, pharmaceutical manufacturers may restructure their operations, make logical demand assessments, and handle their finances responsibly.

They need a comprehensive solution that oversees and harmonizes every department and internal process of a pharmaceutical manufacturing business. Pharmaceutical software automates every critical business function, including formulation, production, planning, distribution, finance or accounting, inventory, and quality control, enabling companies to uphold compliance and quality requirements.

Software for pharmaceutical manufacturing achieves this through improving operational transparency and streamlining both big and small manufacturing processes.

The following table encapsulates the pharmaceutical businesses’ requirement for enterprise resource planning (ERP):

ERP for Pharmaceutical Industry - Benefits and Challenges

What Difficulties Does the Pharmaceutical Industry Face?

Every industry has a variety of difficulties, and the pharmaceutical production sector is no exception. This section goes over the difficulties, the most of which can be resolved by using ERP software.

Below are the challenges faced by pharmaceutical industry:

ERP for Pharmaceutical Industry - Benefits and Challenges

How can ERP benefit pharmaceutical companies?

We’ve seen the difficulties facing the pharmaceutical sector and how an automated system might be the best way to handle them. If you are looking for a comprehensive software that unifies all of your business units on a single screen, your company’s cornerstone should be an ERP solution.

Managing a pharmaceutical company requires you to oversee all aspects of process-based production, product traceability, supply chain planning and management, quality control, inventory, and payroll or HR.

In this section, let’s review all of these details.

ERP for Pharmaceutical Industry - Benefits and Challenges

Recipe and Formula Management

We have learned from the COVID-19 pandemic of late that it is always necessary to make adjustments to the current medicine formulation. The development of medication formulae to assist treat novel and uncommon ailments has been the focus of researchers’ unrelenting efforts.

In the modern pharmaceutical sector, recipe and formula management is vital because of the constant need to develop new medications. One major obstacle to the production process is the absence of reliable technologies for this critical step.

A pharmaceutical ERP manufacturing system designed specifically for the pharmaceutical industry effectively manages formulations of critical ingredients and drugs.

To address the issues with recipe and formula management, businesses can incorporate a variety of aspects into their ERP systems.

The pharma ERP modules listed below are beneficial for the manufacturing industry:

  • Development of New Formulas 
  • Formula Management
  • Calculating Sample 
  • Management Costs

Accounting and Finance

Accounting is the foundation of every company and provides an accurate picture of its financial situation. An organization needs to know how far along its path to success is determined by looking at its general ledger, cash flow statements, profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and other crucial financial documents.

Accounts payable, audit trails, and other ancillary duties are more ways that the ERP is helpful. Because it calculates taxes and TDS automatically, pharmaceutical businesses stand to gain as well. Put differently, with multi-dimensional financial reporting, the ERP can compile the whole financial situation.

Stock Management

Managing stocks and inventories is essential to running a successful pharmaceutical company. Inventory control is essential in all industries. Inventory control becomes crucial in the pharmaceutical sector because of the vast range of items it supplies. The product profile of a small pharmaceutical company may have over one hundred chemicals or combinations. Millions of people are depending on a single medication recipe. An unrecorded additional component could end up costing a lot of money.

As a result, the pharmaceutical makers need to confirm their stock and investment at every stage.

The managers can arrange inventory and handle the warehouse more effectively if they have access to comprehensive and concrete data in one place.

A few of the numerous advantages of ERP deployment are stock costing, valuation, handling multiple units of measurement, bin management, and stock in stock out.

The companies must also classify each of their products according to what is moving and what is not moving. They also need to keep a balance between the costs associated with ordering, stock keeping, and stocking out.

Purchase Management

Order management is just as dependent on purchase management. With its ability to provide insights into supplier information, quote comparison, and other features, an ERP may play a critical role in supporting and leading businesses.

They can carry out supplier order management, project-based purchase management, and budgetary planning and setting with the help of the purchase management module.

Supply Chain, Batch Control, and Traceability

Managing pharmaceutical supply chains can be challenging due to the dispersed and remote locations of patients or clients. Furthermore, a number of processes are involved, which increases the complexity. As a result, expecting to succeed with this kind of work could be a challenging objective.

Certain medications, like vaccines, are temperature-sensitive and require special handling when being transported between locations. Errors have increased historically because there has been an excessive dependence on paperwork and manual entry.

The pharmaceutical industry is already familiar with the benefits of ERP technology, despite the fact that the idea and its modules are relatively new. Enabling end-to-end tracking and planning, automating manual processes, and granting total visibility are the objectives.

One strategy that firms might use to prevent supply chain disruptions is serialization. However, what does serialization actually involve?


As part of the serialization process, a unique number is assigned to each product pack. Thanks to serialization, manufacturers are able to keep track of each unit that leaves their facility, regardless of where it ends up in the supply chain. By having this level of traceability, companies can do the following:

  • An expiration date on the codes is required so that retailers can determine when to remove the product from the shelf and customers can be informed when it is no longer safe for human consumption.
  • A serial number is also required, which enables you to track certain products across the supply chain.
  • To keep track of the specific material mixes used to make a product, a batch number is used.

Quality Control and Product Costing

In the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, effective cost control and quality assurance are essential. Pharmaceutical ERP systems offer centralized, real-time data to support well-informed decision-making, which reduces expenses and boosts productivity. It improves total operational performance by guaranteeing quality analysis and control throughout all manufacturing segments, including expiry management, compliance, formulation, product yield, and costing.


CRM, or customer relationship management, is essential to any company’s success in the marketplace. The businesses’ sales process will be more in line with their pharma ERP. The CRM module may efficiently guide managers toward making the most use of the data they have collected, enabling them to make well-informed decisions that will improve sales performance.

Additionally, the module can provide information regarding pending and existing follow-up reminders. It can facilitate the process of building trusting connections with customers. Improved customer satisfaction ratings follow, and they correlate with increased customer loyalty. Business convenience is made possible by the CRM module of the ERP, which saves all of the product and customer contact information.

Other aspects that can be tapped with an ERP are as follows:

  • Lead management
  • Marketing campaigns management
  • Sales forecast
  • Territory management
  • Order Management
  • Pricing and Discount management

In summary

The article highlights how important it is for any organization that deals with drugs, including pharma companies, to have an enterprise resource planning system. the effectiveness with which the system directs businesses through various processes, such as marketing, supplying, and producing.

The ERP software facilitates the seamless and rapid achievement of corporate goals, starting with uniting the team and management under one roof. For modern pharmaceutical manufacturing organizations, an ERP can be a game changer for information sharing and analysis that leads to better decision-making.

You may benefit from an ERP system that is future-proof for a variety of enterprises and is centered on distribution with Jupical. The finest thing is that it may be altered to meet your unique needs. Our ERP gives you an innovative outlook to help you grow and progress your business.